Best Chapter in the Bible to Read

ten Books of the Bible Y'all Should Read Again and Again

  • Contributing Author
  • 2019 27 Jul
10 Books of the Bible You Should Read Again and Again

Growing up, I thought the Bible was a real snoozer. I had no thought it contained the living, breathing Word of God. The only Good Book I had ever seen was my cracking-grandmother'southward original King James Bible, the 1611 version, and information technology put me to sleep. I didn't know why Jesus was so important, only I had an inward longing to know God, so I'd pick up that cracked blue leather Bible with crinkled pages and read folio 1 of Genesis...

...until drowsiness overtook me. And then I'd put that antique Bible dorsum on the shelf until next time. I read the first chapter of Genesis virtually fifteen times equally a teen, but that was equally far every bit I got.

When I came to faith as a college educatee, I discovered the power of God's Word. Reading a modernistic translation, I began to understand God's love for me. As a desperate young mom years later, I discovered that God's Word gave me peace and encouragement. When I began to parent teens, I learned God'south Word imparted wisdom and strength. In today'southward world, against the backdrop of grim headlines in the news, I find promise on its pages. I find joy that sustains me in my weak moments.

To be honest, some days I coil my eyes as I open my Bible with thoughts similar these: "I've read this passage so many times; at that place's no way I can learn anything new from it." Merely the Bible surprises me. It speaks to me every fourth dimension I open it. God's Word is alive and agile because the Holy Spirit brings information technology to life. Fifty-fifty when I'm reading a passage for the tenth fourth dimension.

The Bible is a living book with a timeless bulletin. The more than nosotros read it, the more than God's words get into u.s.. We become to know God better. We find wisdom and guidance for how to bargain with our crazy lives. We find peace for our troubled times and hope for our hard moments.

There are certain books of the Bible that we need to read over and over. Here are 10 of them:

Photo credit: ©Unsplash/Ben White

  • 1. Genesis

    i. Genesis

    Although I barbarous comatose reading Genesis equally a teen, I at present marvel at how it sets the foundation for understanding who God is and how He relates to human: "God created homo in His own prototype, in the image of God He created him; male person and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27).

    The stories of how God created the world and chose a people for Himself help u.s.a. understand the residuum of Scripture. In Genesis, for case, we notice the starting time prophecy regarding Christ'due south coming, correct after Adam and Eve sinned in the garden.

    This book tells united states of america dramatic stories: Abraham and Sarah having a child in their one-time age, the miraculous provision of a married woman for Isaac, and Jacob's two wives battling for his favor. We read about Jacob's jealous sons selling their brother Joseph, their begetter's favorite, into slavery, and how God ironically used Joseph to save them from dearth later.

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  • 2. John

    2. John

    John helps us get to know Jesus meliorate. Many of us dearest this book for its cute, inspiring language and for the movie it paints of Jesus and the relationship we can have with Him. Nosotros find hope and inspiration from Jesus' "I am" statements: "I am the Bread of Life" (John 6:35), "I am the Calorie-free of the Globe" (John viii:12), "I am the Good Shepherd" (John x:11), "I am the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25), and "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:half-dozen).

    More mystical and philosophical than the other three gospels, John gives the most convincing argument in favor of the supernatural identity of Jesus as the Son of God. John alone calls Jesus the Word of God: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among united states" (John one:fourteen).

    John states his purpose for this volume: "that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by assertive yous may have life in his proper name" (John xx:31).

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  • 3. Romans

    3. Romans

    1 of my favorite memories is studying Romans with local brothers and sisters in our home in the Heart East over a period of half dozen months. I'd never really understood it before, but equally nosotros discussed its deep theological truths week after week, I gained a new appreciation and understanding. At the end of our study, my friend Filiz summarized it well: "Romans explains God. It shows us what God is similar, how He saves united states, and how He wants us to alive."

    Masterfully written by the apostle Paul, Romans presents a convincing argument of why we need a Savior. We oft quote verses from Romans to share the gospel: "Just God demonstrates his own dear for u.s.a. in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:viii).

    My favorite passage in the whole Bible, chapter eight contains so much uplifting truth in 39 verses. At least one time a yr, I take four or five days to read and blot it.

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  • 4. Psalms

    4. Psalms

    If you want a simple handbook on prayer, turn to the Psalms. They teach united states of america how to relate to God in all circumstances. They express lament, praise, joy, and despair. We tin can detect Psalms that encounter our demand to grieve, confess sin, ask God for guidance, or express joy and thanks.

    I've read a Psalm each twenty-four hours for most of my adult life, and of all the books of the Bible, Psalms has influenced me about profoundly. The words have become familiar. I plow to the Psalms when I'1000 too upset or distracted to read annihilation else. When life turns me upside downwards, I remember, "God is our refuge and forcefulness, an always-present aid in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). When I'one thousand scared, I remind myself, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:one).

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  • 5. Ephesians

    5. Ephesians

    During a low betoken in my life, I memorized the opening verses of this volume to remind myself of the many reasons I had to exist grateful. Paul'due south letter of the alphabet to the Ephesians begins with an inspiring description of the blessings and grace that are ours in Christ, and I e'er return to it when I need reassurance.

    Ephesians reminds united states of america we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It contains a powerful reminder of our identity and purpose: "For we are God'southward handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to benefit works, which God prepared in accelerate for united states of america to do" (Ephesians 2:ten).

    This book also covers topics helpful for Christian living, like unity in the body of Christ, counsel for husbands, wives, and families, likewise as how to engage in spiritual warfare so we tin can stand firm in our faith.

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  • 6. Proverbs

    half dozen. Proverbs

    If y'all need wisdom or just a general "How-to-Do-Life" manual, read Proverbs. Solomon'due south volume of short, pithy statements gives u.s.a. timeless truth for effective living. This is why many of our grandparents grew up hearing Proverbs read at the breakfast table. In it we find sound advice for everything from relationships, marriage, and family to piece of work and money. Proverbs teach usa near self-control, wise speech, planning, justice, leadership, success, and love.

    The opening chapters of the volume explain the importance of wisdom for living, and draw both the benefits of wisdom and how to attain it. The near important message of the volume is this: the foundation of all wisdom is to honor and obey God.

    "The fear of the Lord is the get-go of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline" (Proverbs one:7).

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  • 7. Philippians

    vii. Philippians

    When life gets us downward and joy all but disappears, Philippians encourages united states of america to expect beyond our circumstances and notice joy in Jesus Christ. In only four capacity, Paul mentions joy or rejoicing 16 times; in fact, just remembering that Paul wrote this joyful letter from a Roman jail reminds me that maybe my life isn't equally bad as I think. If he could say, "Rejoice in the Lord always," surely I can too (Philippians 4:four).

    I also appreciate this guidance on how to handle worry and anxiety: "Practise not be anxious most anything, merely in every situation, past prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, volition baby-sit your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

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  • 8. 1 John

    8. 1 John

    God used 1 John to lead me to Christ when I was eighteen years old. As I read these verses, the Holy Spirit brought them to life, and suddenly the gospel became clear to me: "This is how God showed his beloved amidst us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is honey: non that we loved God, but that He loved u.s.a. and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" (1 John 4:ix-xix).

    When we need a reminder of God's love for united states, 1 John encourages u.s. with its many affirmations of His astonishing love. In but 5 chapters, John touches on themes of lite, victory in Christ, fellowship with God, forgiveness for our sins, and assurance of eternal life.

    Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Thomas-Soellner

  • 9. James

    9. James

    When I polled a group of 50 friends about their favorite books of the Bible, it surprised me how many of them mentioned James. Merely when I took a closer look, I remembered the practical wisdom James offers. "The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and skillful fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17).

    This short book challenges us to take practical steps towards acting out our faith, instead of just talking about it. James begins with special encouragement for people undergoing trials and for those who need wisdom. It continues with sage advice on listening before speaking, obeying God's Discussion, taming our tongues, and showing generosity to the poor.

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  • 10. Isaiah

    10. Isaiah

    Written near 700 years before Christ, Isaiah foretells the coming of the Messiah, God's anointed retainer. Information technology gives several specific prophecies about Jesus: that he would come up from David'southward line, be born to a virgin, suffer for our transgressions, and rule eternally. This book gives Jesus the names of "Wonderful Advisor," "Mighty God," "Everlasting Father," and "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).

    Similar many Former Testament prophets, Isaiah can be challenging to read because of its potent words of judgment against disobedience and sin. Still it too gives u.s. a beautiful picture of God's holiness, majesty, compassion, and His programme for redemption. Isaiah offers powerful words of encouragement and comfort, like these: "Those who hope in the Lord volition renew their forcefulness. They will soar on wings similar eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and non be faint" (Isaiah 40:31).

    Photograph Credit: ©GettyImages/leolintang


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